You are currently viewing KWITU GRAND REUNION 2023


Chef Zayn is proud to be associated with the 7th KWITU Grand Reunion this year, a celebration of women, particularly diaspora women. Living in the diaspora can be challenging, which is why it is important to have a community that brings us together both online and offline. KWITU provides a safe haven for women to grow and thrive, where we support and uplift each other. KWITU is the glue that keeps us united!

This year, the grand reunion will take place in Houston, and we extend a special invitation to all women.

Additionally, we are excited to announce that Chef Zayn will be serving Mombasa Street Eats food during the event. Get ready to savor the delicious flavors of Mombasa Street Eats prepared by Chef Zayn!

We look forward to seeing you there!

You can purchase your advance tickets here